ASAPA presents

Animethon 2025

August 8 - 10 / 2025 Edmonton Convention Centre Edmonton Alberta Canada
/ Info / Policies


Revised: 2022-09-05

1.1 ASAPA refers to the not-for-profit society The Alberta Society for Asian Popular Arts.
1.2 EVENT refers to all events organized and operated by ASAPA.
1.3 EXHIBITORS SPACE is a designated location permitting the sale or promotion of products or services.
1.4 COSPLAY is the act of dressing up and/or roleplaying (typically) as a fictional character.
1.5 PASS is a proof of admission used by the EVENT. Typically this is a wristband or badge.
1.6 VENUE refers to all locations and facilities at which the EVENT takes place.
1.7 STAFF refers to volunteers who help ASAPA operate the EVENT.
1.8 PATRON is one who is attending the EVENT and has a valid PASS.

2.1. Any policy contained herein that is contrary to local, provincial, or federal law is null and void.
2.2. All present at the EVENT will abide by all local, provincial, and federal laws and bylaws.
2.3. The policies contained herein are subject to review and may be revised at any time.
2.4. All present at the EVENT will abide by all VENUE policies and procedures.
2.5. The VENUE, at their discretion, may override any policy contained herein.
2.6. EVENT may restrict access to programming elements based on PASS, room capacity or age.
2.7. Civil or medical emergencies are to be handled directly by the proper authorities.
2.8. All present at the EVENT are responsible for their individual actions and any repercussions.
2.9. All present at the EVENT agree that ASAPA, as well as the EVENT, its STAFF and affiliates, are not responsible for any loss, damage, theft, or injury incurred while attending or volunteering for the EVENT.
2.10. All present at the EVENT agree that the EVENT may photograph and/or video record them on VENUE grounds for promotional purposes.
2.11. The EVENT will inform PATRON of important updates through the EVENT website, program guide, or printed media.

3.1. PASS is non-refundable.
3.2. PASS is non-transferrable. Each PASS is valid for a single individual unless otherwise stated.
3.3. PASS must be visible at all times.
3.4. The EVENT reserves the right to require a ticket (paid or free) for any programming elements in addition to a PASS.

4.1. All present at the EVENT must not act in a way which could result in substantial risk or harm to others or property.
4.2. Disruptive behavior, such as, but not limited to, harassment, sexual misconduct, public shaming, bullying, loitering, etc. will not be tolerated in any form, may it be physical, verbal, or communicable. ASAPA reserves the right to determine what constitutes disruptive behaviour.
4.3. Intoxication, by any means, is not permitted at the EVENT.
4.5. All present at the EVENT are asked to help keep the VENUE clean by making full use of the garbage cans and recycling bins.

5.1. Solicitation is not permitted unless written approval is received from the EVENT or VENUE.

6.1. All Lost and Found items are to be turned over to the VENUE (or EVENT) Lost and Found location.

7.1. The attire of all present at the EVENT must be appropriate and comply with local decency laws.
7.2. The attire of all present at the EVENT must be able to pass comfortably and easily through a standard door.
7.3. The attire of all present at the EVENT cannot be considered a safety issue to themselves or others.
7.4. All present at the EVENT are required to have footwear at all times while on VENUE grounds.
7.5. Costumes must be readily identifiable at a distance as part of a costume, and not as official military or emergency response personnel.
7.6. The EVENT reserves the right to declare any attire or costume unacceptable and require anyone present at the EVENT to change or modify their attire.

8.1. A weapon is defined as any item that a reasonable person would deem a weapon, any weapon or item prohibited by local, provincial, or federal law, any item indistinguishable at casual inspection from either of the first two cases, or any item resembling a gun that is capable of firing a projectile.
8.2. A weapon that has been rendered inoperable, such as a firearm without a firing pin or a blunt/dull blade, shall still be considered a weapon.
8.3. No weapon shall be permitted at the VENUE.

9.1. Props must be taken to Prop Check for evaluation. If peace-bonded, the bond must be visible at all times.
9.2. Props must be handled in a safe and responsible manner. They cannot impede traffic or be a hazard to others.
9.3. Props cannot be swung or brandished except for posing and photography purposes. No combat.
9.4. Props cannot be a disguised weapon.
9.5. Service animals with proper documentation are the only animals permitted at the VENUE.
9.6. Props that resemble the form or function of a projectile weapon have a few additional restrictions:
9.6.1. If it has a string it cannot be under any tension and not easily made taut.
9.6.2. If it has an air chamber it cannot be under any pressure and not easily re-pressurized.
9.6.3. If it has a barrel it must be blocked with an orange tip and not easily unblocked.
9.6.4. Cannot propel a projectile at any time.
9.7. Props have certain construction restrictions and exceptions:
9.7.1. Props cannot be primarily constructed out of a hard material such as metal or wood. Balsa wood is permitted as well as a wooden handle.
9.7.2. Props may contain a wooden rod, dowel or broom handle with a diameter no larger than 1" for structural reinforcement if padded in a reasonable manner.
9.7.3. Props must be constructed in a manner such that no part of the prop is easily shattered.
9.7.4. Props cannot have sharp edges or points. Blunted/rounded edges or points may be permitted.
9.8. At the discretion of the person in charge of Prop Check, Safety or the EVENT, certain props may be deemed unacceptable regardless of compliance with these policies.
9.9. Props that do not meet these policies must be removed from the VENUE immediately upon request.
9.10. Exceptions to this policy for specific purposes must be requested in advance and approved by the person in charge of Safety or the EVENT in writing.

10.1. 10.1. All present at the EVENT must gain permission from all individuals they photograph and/or video record.
10.2. Photography and videography cannot impede the flow of traffic or disrupt programming elements.
10.3. Photography of original artwork in the EXHIBITORS SPACE is not allowed without the permission of the EXHIBITOR.
10.4. Posing with a prop is acceptable provided it is done in a safe manner.
10.5. Select programming elements may have photography and videography restrictions. PATRON will be informed of such restrictions and must abide by the restrictions.

11.1. Only approved EXHIBITORS may display signs that offer products or services in exchange for something unless given prior approval by the EVENT.
11.2. All present at the EVENT cannot display signs that may be considered to contain inappropriate content.
11.3. Personal signs are also subject to Section 9.

12.1. Doors, aisles, and walkways must be free of obstructions at all times. The back of a room is considered a walkway.
12.2. Seating is on a first come first served basis unless otherwise stated.
12.3. In programming rooms, the audience must be seated in a seat; standing is not permitted unless otherwise stated.
12.4. The number of people in a space cannot exceed the stated capacity of that space.
12.5. Unless otherwise stated, all rooms are cleared after each programming element. No squatting.
12.6. Large gatherings of people (such as flash mobs or performances) are permitted in hallways or outside areas as long as they do not impede the flow of traffic, or gather a large standing crowd.

13.1. All contestants must have a valid PASS to the EVENT and pay any required contest fees in advance unless otherwise stated in the contest rules.
13.2. Contestants cannot be involved with the operation or judging process of the contest.
13.3. Contestants cannot be members of the ASAPA Board of Directors or the appointed organizers of the EVENT Committee.
13.4. Contestants must follow all contest rules and other eligibility requirements as stated on the official website.
13.5. Non-competitive contest entries may be permitted at the contest coordinator’s discretion; however, any such entries are not eligible for any prizes or awards.
13.6. Any exceptions to contest eligibility will be stated in the official contest rules.

14.1. The EVENT does not guarantee that you will get an autograph from a particular guest.
14.2. The EVENT reserves the right to cut the autograph line at any time.
14.3. The GUEST reserves the right to decline to autograph unlicensed or inappropriate materials.
14.4. Those exhibiting disruptive and/or inappropriate behaviour will face the consequences ranging from losing their place in line up to revocation of their PASS without refund.
14.5. The GUEST reserves the right to accept or decline gifts.
14.6. GUEST specific changes may apply and will be communicated through official means which may include but is not limited to: the website, program guide, social media, and signage at the event, etc.

15.1. EVENT management reserves the right to enforce disciplinary action against anyone present at the EVENT who violates any of the policies contained herein. Based on the severity of the violation disciplinary measures may include (but not limited to):
15.1.1. Issue a verbal warning.
15.1.2. Ask person(s)to leave the room or area.
15.1.3. Revocation of PASS or position without refund.
15.1.4. Request VENUE to remove person(s) from the VENUE grounds.
15.1.5. Recommend to ASAPA the banning of person(s) from future ASAPA events.
15.2. Any action prohibited by law will result in notification to the proper authorities and may result in criminal prosecution.

A.1. Roller blades, skateboards, scooters, and similar devices cannot be used on VENUE grounds.
A.2. Battle Dress Uniforms (BDU’s) are not permitted.
A.3. S.W.A.T. style outfits are not permitted.
A.4. Balaclava-style masks are not permitted unless readily identifiable as part of a costume.
A.5. Smoking or usage of tobacco, cannabis, vaporizers, or other substances is not permitted at VENUE.